Resume Writing Service & Certified Resume Writers

Can a Professional Resume Writer Increase Your Chance to Land a Job?

Have you wondered why your resume is getting overlooked by your targeted companies to work in the future? What if you have done your part of honestly filling up every important detail about your career history, and yet, no one is calling you

Certified Resume Writers 

Even if you have all the skills and knowledge a company needs, if you are not communicating it effectively through your resume, you better get yourself another pair of eyes before sending out the next batch. 


Hiring a professional resume writer can save you a lot of time and further confusion. Leave the writing to the pros and make your resume more attractive and outstanding in the eyes of hiring managers and recruiters. Otherwise, it can cost you more missed opportunities in securing your dream job.  


Here is a list of things that can go wrong with your resume and how can a Certified Resume Writer help you in solving these problems:


  •         Your resume has messy formatting: If you think A4 size paper, Times New Roman, and font size 12 are enough, think again! If your competitors are using an aesthetically pleasing to the eyes template, theirs will definitely stand out, and yours can easily get disregarded.   


In this era where aesthetics come into play, having a well-designed resume increases your chance of getting hired. An expert writer can apply the necessary formatting, and the latest trends that will suit the industry, making your resume more delightful to the reader’s eyes.


  • It is filled with typo errors: Spelling, putting the right punctuation, and grammar may sound like little things on a resume, especially when you already have a list of solid and amazing working experiences. 

    It is easy to overlook these things if writing is not your strength, but managers and recruiters care about it a lot. Imagine them reading hundreds of resumes, but they only need to pick one. Would they choose the one with glaring errors? Absolutely not! Having a well-written resume sends a message to the employer that you care about their time too.


  • Your resume highlights the wrong things: Maybe you decide to travel the world or start a family in between careers that show a huge gap to your employment history. Although there is nothing wrong with taking a break, recruiters often look for employees that can stay for the long haul.

    A resume writer can help direct recruiters to the right direction of your resume. They highlight the positives in your employment history and understate the negative items. 


  • It does not highlight any of your accomplishments: Perhaps you don’t like talking about yourself and achievements, or maybe listing down what you have done in the past feels like bragging.

    Unfortunately, from a PR’s point of view, reading a plain resume is boring. Employers look for more than just the standard information; what can you bring to the team? If you feel uncomfortable writing what you have done in the past, getting an expert to help you go through with the writing process is the best advice. 


  • Your resume is outdated. You might be too busy to update your resume, and you might think it is not necessary. But remember that a resume must always be good to go in preparation for any unexpected job changes. Imagine yourself in a networking place, and you get asked for your resume. Is yours ready? Otherwise, go and hire yourself a professional resume writer.

    What if you are looking to change into a higher position? The same resume that gets you to a lower job level may lack the sophistication it requires. An updated resume must indicate you are worthy of the salary you seek.
  • It does not include any keywords: These are words or phrases that will show the recruiter you are right for the job at one glance. It should have specific job requirements, skills, competencies, and credentials.

    Most employers nowadays use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to sort out resumes. It helps to pick relevant resumes that will be sent to the hiring managers. 


Again, imagine a hiring manager with hundreds of repetitive and boring resumes. If you are using the same language as everyone else’s, it will be challenging to get ahead of your competition. An expert writer can help you put power words and industry keywords that can demonstrate your strengths. These companies hire HR experts who are knowledgeable in optimizing your resume. 


A resume reflects who you are, what you have done, and how you can be an asset to the company. It is the first thing a hiring manager looks for before talking to you and getting to know you. The first impression lasts, but what if you are not given a second chance to prove you can do the job? 


Now that you know some of the things that could go wrong with your resume, the best solution is hiring a professional that will help you:


  •         Save the time, frustration and hassle: Writing and submitting an ineffective resume can be more expensive than paying for a certified resume writer. Waiting for companies to call you for interviews and wondering what is wrong with you and your resume is stressful and can affect your mental health. 


  •         Land into your desired job: Hiring managers and recruiters will notice a well-crafted resume. If you are who they are looking for, they will pick up the phone and schedule an interview. All you need to do is prepare and ace that interview, and voila!    


  • Get your desired salary: A resume that communicates your capabilities well can allow you to negotiate a reasonable salary. You don’t have to sell yourself short.  


Sure, everyone can edit resumes on their own, but not all have the necessary skills that can get them an interview. 


Back to the question of whether getting help from resume editing   services is worth it? Definitely! Investing in one can work wonders in your job search and career. It does not only increase your chance to land a job, but it will also quickly land you that job!

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